New Update
Trip Summary
Our Trip this year will include trips during the week and weekend. Most colleges no longer allow
College tours to be taken during the weekend so we had to get permission from the universities
and ask our students who are current students at our universities to host our tours.
This is the first year we will offer trips on teacher work days. These trips will give our students
the ability to sit in on a college class and see the college the way a student sees them.
This year JSTP will offer students the ability to see 14 Historically Black Colleges and
Universities and at least 12 Predominantly White Universities.
Exposure is key, and perhaps, some of our students have never journeyed outside of their community. In an effort to provide students with a glimpse of the college experience, we offer monthly college tours to students within our program. We also offer opportunities for non-members to attend our college tours based on availability. All interested non-members must place a deposit to reserve a seat on the waiting list. If you are interested in being placed on a waiting list for current and/or future tours, please E-mail us at

3rd Annual College Fair
When: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Registration & Set Up: 5:00pm – 6:00pm Fair Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Tyvola Senior Center 2225 Tyvola Rd Charlotte, NC 28210 Directions: On Tyvola Rd between Park Rd and South Blvd; Next to Queens University Sports Complex and Marion Diehl Recreation Center
Cost: Free to the Institution and Students